By Dr. Penny Girard: Some issues related to abortion We briefly considered some topics related to abortion. A PowerPoint presentation prepared by the director of Christian Medical and Dental Associations was used for a guide. Below is the outline given out in class with some additional comments. Included are internet links outlining fetal development and books and resources for those interested in further research on this topic, as well as resources for those seeking to help both women and men who have participated in abortion or have been impacted by it. Definition: The premature expulsion of the human fetus. It usually refers to an artificially induced abortion caused by surgical or chemical means. A spontaneous abortion is often called a miscarriage. Statistics In the United States, statistics related to abortion are collected annually by the Centers for Disease Control. Reporting is done on a voluntary basis. At least five states were not included in the most recent statistics. For this reason, overall statistics may under represent numbers of procedures being performed as well as the types of procedures women are undergoing. Statistics also likely underestimate the occurrence of complications in women undergoing abortion. Embryo/Fetal Development by Trimester First Trimester Development (0-12 Weeks) Days of Gestation Development of embryo/fetus 18-21 Heart beats1 32 Eyes are formed2 38 Upper lip formed3 Markers of pain perception are present at 7 weeks Brain waves are measurable4 44 Arms and legs formed5 48 Beginnings of all internal structures present; baby is moving6 56 Embryo now called a fetus7 63 Sucking thumb, teeth forming8 84 Cries, feels pain Weeks of age Development of fetus 13 3 inches long, weighs half oz., reflexes active 14 Fingerprints present 15 Has ability to grasp, smile, grimace, squint 16 6 inches long, weighs 6 oz., somersaults, mother feels movement 17 Gets hiccups, plays with umbilical cord 18 Hair and eyebrows are growing 20 Hears, recognizes mother’s voice 22 Responds to stories, music, etc. Definition of viability age 23-24 weeks in 2004 Weighs 1 lb., has 85 percent survival rate 26 Responds to light, weighs 1.5 to 2 lbs. Third Trimester Development Weeks of age Development of fetus 24 Weighs 2 lbs. and is practicing breathing 30 Grows rapidly, sleeps 90 percent of time, has dreams 32 Weighs 4 lbs., urinates 34 Weighs 5 lbs., 19.5 in. long, head begins to drop into mother’s pelvis 36 Now has 99 percent survival rate 38 Is 1,000 times its original size, gains an ounce a day 40 Average weight: 7.5 lbs. Abortion Methods by Trimester First Trimester o Dilation and Curettage o Suction Aspiration or “Vacuum Curettage”-the most common procedure in the first trimester o RU-486-A two part procedure with a progesterone (hormonal) agent which causes the uterine lining to shed followed by a prostaglandin which causes the uterus to contract, thus expelling its contents. Much controversy surrounded the “fast track” approval process which ended with its approval as an agent for “medication abortion” in 2000. The accepted procedure for its use in the U.S. has eliminated some of the safety features such as ultrasound dating of the fetus as well as close medical supervision which were essentials in the original research done on the agent in France, where it was developed. Complications include heavy bleeding and severe infection. It was believed to be responsible for at least four deaths in California in recent years, although this was never reported in the media nor reflected in data regarding complications of abortion. o Methotrexate Second and Third Trimesters o Saline Abortion o Urea o Prostaglandins o D & E or Dilation and Evacuation o D & X or Dilation and Extraction (Partial Birth Abortion)-performed from week 20 until full term o Hysterotomy History of Abortion in the United States In 1967, Colorado was the first state to liberalize abortion law. In 1970, New York allowed abortion on demand at less than 24 weeks gestation. In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that the fetus was not considered a “person” until the time of viability, then considered 28 weeks. This opened the door to abortion on demand throughout the U.S. through the second trimester. Another decision, Doe v. Bolton, the same year, essentially permitted abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy. Prior to these decisions, abortion had NOT been illegal in cases where the mother’s life was in danger. In 1992, the Supreme Court in Planned Parenthood v. Casey upheld the right to abortion and prohibited any laws or practices that might “hinder” a woman from seeking an abortion if she desired to do so. RU-486, the “abortion pill” was approved in the United States in 2000. Who Gets Abortions? Statistics are for 2005, the most recent year available (Guttmacher Institute) o Almost half of pregnancies occurring in the U.S. each year are unintended. One in five of these end in abortion. 89% of women at risk for an unintended pregnancy report using a contraceptive method; 14% report using the method perfectly. o Approximately 1.2 million pregnancies are terminated by abortion in the U.S. (This accounts for 3% of the abortions performed worldwide) o 2% of all women age 15 to 44 had an abortion o Of those having an abortion, 43 % identified themselves as Protestant, 27% as Catholic, 22% gave no religious preference, and the remainder were of other religions o Abortion is one of the most common surgical procedures in the U.S. o Worldwide, 22% of abortions were early medication abortion (RU-486) o By age 20, one in seven women in the U.S. have had at least one abortion (14%) and 43% of women in the U.S. have had one abortion by the time they are 45 years old. o 50% have no other children o 44% had a previous abortion o 20% are married o 20% are under 19 years old o Abortion is 6 times more common in unmarried women. o 1% or abortions are for rape or incest. o Minority (African-American and Hispanic) women have much higher rates of abortion than Caucasian women. Women living in poverty also have much higher rates than more affluent women. Reasons for Abortion Abortions by gestational age Most abortions are performed before 9 weeks gestation. 1.4% are done after 21 weeks gestation. Abortion providers and regulation Most abortions are performed in abortion clinics, although some are done in hospitals and private offices. Since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade, there have been several attempts to bring the abortion industry under that same scrutiny and regulation as other health care entities, but these attempts have been repeatedly resisted. Opponents of regulation have cited concerns regarding limiting women’s access to abortion. Some states, such as Michigan, have ordinances treating these clinics as “outpatient surgery facilities;” however, several “waivers” exist in many of these states to allow abortion clinics to operate without the same oversight as other outpatient surgery facilities. A typical surgery facility could be shut down if it failed to comply with health standards until correction was made; however, this could cause problematic “hindrances” to a woman’s right to seek an abortion and could be seen in violation of federal statutes. Thus, many have concerns about the safety of women seeking procedures in these clinics. Abortion Fallacies Complications of abortion (From testimony in opposition to Senate Bill 398 by Dr. Timothy Deering Rights of conscience This has been a controversial area in recent months related to the practice of medicine. Many states have laws allowing doctors to object to performing or referring for abortions on the basis of personal moral convictions. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has made several attempts in recent years to require doctors practicing Obstetrics and Gynecology (Ob/Gyn) to perform or refer for abortion or risk forfeiture of their certification. Medical students have also reported pressure to participate despite moral objections. For this reason, some physicians have chosen to leave the field of Ob/Gyn and Christian medical students have reported choosing against the specialty of Ob/Gyn. Infanticide? A brief mention was made of the difficulty of deciding when “personhood” begins. Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at MIT has suggested that parents should be allowed to “try out” their baby at home for a period of time. If dissatisfied, he supports the idea of returning the child to the hospital to be killed. Selling baby parts o The Health Revitalization Act of 1993 allows fetal tissue research and requires consent separate from that for the abortion. o ABC-TV’s 20/20 exposed the selling of baby parts: human brain <> o A congressional investigation occurred, but went no where. Therefore, the practice continues. Human life and Biblical perspectives There was some discussion of whether it should be our objective to attempt to reverse legislation (Roe v. Wade). A complete ban may be unrealistic at the present time. So, what can be done? o Support those who are faced with an unexpected pregnancy. We may be able to convince them to choose life. The example was given of former pastor Matt Mabey and Joelle offering to raise the child of any teenager who chose life for their child. o Know the alternatives for women and available resources o Love and support those who have had an abortion. They may have felt that they had no choice for a variety of reasons. We need to accept these women and allow them to share their pain if needed. o Take a stand for life and consider being involved at a Pregnancy Help Center or in another way. (There are more Crisis Pregnancy Centers than abortion clinics in the U.S.) o If it is unrealistic to expect a complete ban on abortion, we can still work to ensure safety of women by calling for the same regulation of abortion clinics as outpatient surgical facilities. Generally accepted health standards should be required. o Abortion should not enjoy “political protection” and women should have the right to informed consent reflecting realistic statistics about the risks of the abortion procedure. o Work to eliminate second and third trimester abortions which occur when a fetus would be otherwise viable and also are risky for the mother o Work to recognize the unborn as persons before the law Resources Books: Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery Richard Selzer Rites of Life: The Scientific Evidence for Life Before Birth Landrum Shettles, MD and David Rorvik Whatever Happened to the Human Race C. Everett Koop, MD and Francis A. Schaeffer Aborting America Bernard N. Nathanson, MD Who Broke the Baby? Jean Staker Garton Blood Money Carol Everett Bioethics and the Future of Medicine: A Christian Appraisal edited by John F. Kilner, Nigel M. de S. Cameron and David L. Schiedermayer Ethics for a Brave New World John S. Feinberg, Paul D. Feinberg Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments Randy Alcorn General: Christian Medical and Dental Associations Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity Family Research Council Christian Legal Society Focus on the Family Life Issues Institute Concerned Women for America Statistics: Guttmacher Institute Centers for Disease Control Post-abortion Counseling: Project Rachel Elliot Institute Postabortion Care Consortium Adoption: Bethany Christian Services Christian World Adoption Pregnancy Help: Pregnancy Centers Online Heartbeat International CareNet Birthright National Life Center The Nurturing Network
Definition of viability age 28 weeks in 1973
Sunday, November 16, 2008
**Most surgical abortions occur between 49 to 70 days**
Second Trimester Development
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